
This passage discusses the effects of stress on our bodies and minds.

Lexile Level: 1240L

Categories: Sports & Health

Stress can have both positive and negative effects on people's lives. Some stress can help a person perform at optimum levels during mental and physical activities. Too much stress, however, can cause problems that inhibit performance. Although we think of stress as coming from negative sources in our lives, it actually can come from positive sources as well. For example, most of us would consider a wedding to be a positive event, but the stress of planning the event or of adding someone to the family can be very stressful. In addition, some events, such as moving to a new home or going through a divorce, carry long-term stress with them. If this, in turn, leads to excessive fatigue, depression, or anxiety, we must take measures to either eliminate some of the stress in our lives, or we must develop coping strategies. While a small amount of stress can have positive impacts, too much stress should not be allowed room in our lives.


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