Big Test

This passage describes a boy's anxiety over not studying for a test.

Lexile Level: 820L

Categories: Adventure

Billy tapped his pencil on the desk as his teacher began to pass out the tests from the day before. Billy had known about the test for a week, but he had put off studying for it. He had planned to study the day before the test, but when he got home from school, he decided to watch television instead. He told himself he would study later, but he had forgotten about his basketball game that evening. Then when he got home, it was already past his bedtime, and he went straight to sleep. He remembered the test on his way to school the next morning and began to worry. Now, his teacher was setting his test on the desk. Billy turned it over and breathed a sigh of relief. His grade was not great, but he had passed. He told himself that next time he would not forget to study.

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