
This passage describes how the eyes can tell us whether or not someone could be lying.

Lexile Level: 1190L

Categories: Science & Technology

The eyes are sometimes called "windows to the soul," and a large amount of research supports this idea, especially when individuals are attempting to deceive someone else. When we are excited, our pupils, which are the dark centers of our eyes, grow larger. For this reason, the pupils of those attempting to pass a falsehood off as the truth often grow in size due to the anxious excitement experienced by the liar. Another way the eyes might give away fibbers involves repeated glances to the speaker's left. For the most part, memories are stored in the fact-oriented left half of the brain. Because the nerves that connect the eyes and brain are "cross-wired," we tend to look to the right when accessing memories. On the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain plays a major role in creative activities. Because falsehoods require a significant degree of creativity, people often look to their left when composing and relating false stories.


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