
This passage is about the importance of having enough time in our lives.

Lexile Level: 1010L

Categories: People & Places

Do you have trouble fitting all of the things that you are supposed to do into your day? Many times when we think that we do not have enough time, we are not using the time we have efficiently. Before you decide that time is the problem, you may want to examine your time management skills. How do you actually spend the time you have? An easy way to find out is to make a chart for each day, listing each hour from the time you wake until you go to bed. Beside each hour write what you do for that time period. To get a more accurate picture of how you spend your time, you will need to keep track for several days. Once you have done so, you will know if you are really using your time well or if you are wasting time that you could use to accomplish your goals.

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