Kayaking Trip

This passage details what Tommy sees on his kayaking trip.

Lexile Level: 870L

Categories: Animals & Nature Adventure

From the kayak Tommy could see everything below him. He could see twenty, thirty feet below. The light made funny patterns on the bottom of the sandy floor of the bay. The leopard rays sailed across the bottom like huge magic carpets. The coral sparkled with little fish darting in and out. Schools of fish swam back and forth, up and down, and around and around above the seafloor. In a moment they would dart left, and he could see all of them reflect the sun with their silver sides. Then they would dart another direction, and they were barely visible again. A big grouper moved out of the coral then slipped back in to hide. A barracuda, like a long rocket, hung motionless, waiting for the right moment to wield his sharp teeth with the force of some medieval weapon. There was a whole world in the bay below Tommy.


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