
This passage is about Marcus' hurdle race.

Lexile Level: 390L

Categories: Sports & Health

Marcus looked down at the track and counted the hurdles. There were still ten between him and the finish line. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He had practiced all week. "You can do this," he told himself. All he wanted was to run all 100 meters without knocking over a hurdle. The starter called them to the starting line. They were set. Bang! The gun went off and Marcus was running. He counted his steps in his head, "one, two, three, and jump!" He jumped into the air and over the first hurdle. He only had nine more to go. One, two, three, and jump. He cleared another hurdle. He was off and running. In about ten seconds, he was almost at the finish line. One more hurdle was left. "One, two, three, and jump," he said again. Marcus crossed the finish line. He smiled. Behind him were all ten hurdles standing upright. He hadn't hit any of them.

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