
This passage tells the story of Medusa, a character from Greek mythology.

Lexile Level: 810L

Categories: Classics & Literature Adventure

Medusa was a female monster in Greek mythology. She wasn't always a monster though. Once she was a beautiful, young woman with long, shiny hair. One day, she and her boyfriend began kissing in a temple where the Greeks worshipped the goddess Athena. Athena became angry when she saw what the couple was doing in her temple. She turned Medusa into an ugly monster, and she turned Medusa's silky hair into snakes! Medusa went to live in a cave with her sisters, who were also ugly. Anyone who looked at Medusa would turn to stone! One day, the king sent a man named Perseus to kill Medusa and bring back her head. Athena gave Perseus a shiny shield. She warned him to use the shield as a mirror and not look straight at Medusa or he would turn to stone. Perseus sneaked in while Medusa was sleeping. He cut off her head and took it to the king.


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