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Tổng Hợp Đề IELTS Writing 2021 Mới Nhất

Thứ Sáu - 19.03.2021

Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS Writing MỚI NHẤT năm 2021

Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 09-01-2021

Task 1: The diagram shows how chocolate is produced. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 16-01-2021

Task 1: The graphs give information about average house prices in England and other parts of the world.

Task 2: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it. Others think that school time should be used in learning important subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 21-01-2021

Task 1: The graphs below show the cinema attendance in Australia and the average cinema visits by different age groups from 1996 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2: Some countries allow old people to work to any age that they want. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 23-01-2021

Task 1: The plans show the change of a small theater in 2010 and 2012.

Task 2: In some countries, more young adults continue to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 06-02-2021

Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of small , medium, large companies which used social media for business purposes between 2012 to 2016.

Task 2: Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the countryside. Others believe that there are health benefits of living in cities. Discuss both views and give your opinions.


Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 20-02-2021

Task 1: Bar chart

Task 2: Children should do organized activities in their free time while others believe children should be free to do what they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 25-02-2021

Task 1: The table shows the export values of various products in 2009 and 2010.

Task 2: Some people believe that the best way to encourage children that have a healthy diet at school and some people believe that parents should teach them to have a healthy diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Đề thi IELTS Writing Ngày 27-02-2021

Task 1: The diagrams show changes in a student common room.

Task 2: Some people feel that young people should follow the traditions of their society. Others, however, believe that young people should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Nguồn: Tổng hợp 



Lợi ích của học viên khóa học Tiếng Anh tại Anh ngữ AMES:

1. HỌC 1 THẦY – 1 TRÒ:

  • Luyện phát âm chuẩn Anh Mỹ với thầy/cô giáo bản ngữ.

  • Phát hiện, sửa chữa những kỹ năng còn khiếm khuyết.

  • Hướng dẫn phát triển đồng đều các kỹ năng: Nghe, Nói, Đọc, Viết.

  • Học hỏi tác phong giao tiếp chuyên nghiệp quốc tế.


Chương trình, nội dung được tập trung vào 2 kỹ năng Nghe-Nói, thiết kế phù hợp với từng cá nhân, bạn cần tiến bộ kỹ năng nào? Chúng tôi sẽ giúp bạn!


Học viên được chủ động chọn giờ học phù hợp, không lo trùng với kế hoạch khác.

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