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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :


This passage is about Mount Everest, one of the tallest mountains in the world.

Lexile Level: 670L

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. It is 29,035 feet high. Mount Everest is part of the Himalaya. The Himalaya is a mountain chain in southeast Asia. The mountain was named after Sir George Everest. He was the Surveyor General of India from 1830 to 1843. Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal were the first people to reach the top of Mount Everest. They did it in 1953. To reach the top, climbers face many dangers. Temperatures on the mountain can be as cold as 40 degrees below zero. The wind can blow at a 125 miles per hour. It gets harder to breathe the higher you go. This is because the oxygen gets thin. It is considered a great achievement to climb Mount Everest. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were hailed as heroes after they reached the top. Today, over 2,000 people have climbed to the top of Mount Everest.

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