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Essay Questions

This passage suggests some ways to create good answers to essay questions on a test.

Lexile Level: 810L

If you have to answer an essay question on a test, there are a few important tips you should remember. First, make sure that you understand what the question is asking. If the question asks that you "explain" or "discuss," you are expected to develop your answer beyond the facts. Sometimes, the question will ask you to "give reasons" or "give examples." Make sure that you follow those directions. If you do not understand the question, and you are allowed to ask the teacher for help, you should do so. Once you understand what the question is asking, it is helpful to plan what you will write before you begin. You may want to jot a short list of items to include. Write as clearly as possible. Include details, but do not wander away from the topic. Finally, read over your answer to be sure you have done your best work.

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