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This passage discusses recycling and why it is important for our planet.

Lexile Level: 770L

Recycling is very important to the environment. When you recycle something, it can be used again. Some things you can recycle are plastic bottles, soda cans, and newspapers. Most cities will pick up the items that you want to recycle. You can even get money by helping to save the earth. There are some places that you can take your empty soda cans and other metals. They pay you for your used metal and other items. When you are shopping, look for notebooks that are made with recycled paper. Buy these, and you will help save trees, since paper comes from trees. Recycling is a very easy way to help our planet. Other ways that you can help are to walk or ride your bike to school so you do not use gas. If you live in a city, you can take a bus, train, or subway. These are just some ways to save our Earth's resources.

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