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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :


This passage describes a famous dogsled race in Alaska called the Iditarod.

Lexile Level: 910L

Considered one of the most challenging races in the world, the Iditarod is a dogsled race over 1,150 miles long. The race is from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska, and each team has twelve to sixteen dogs. It usually takes from ten to seventeen days to complete. The terrain is very rugged with temperatures sometimes well below zero degrees Fahrenheit. The Iditarod Trail was once a mail and supply route. Now, it is a national historic trail that honors the courageous people and dogs who braved the journey. Mushers, who handle the dog teams, have to be strong and resourceful to survive. In addition, they have to be individuals who are able to train and care for their teams. The dogs have to be in excellent condition in order to make the trip. Mushers try to train and feed their teams in ways that will maximize performance. It is a coveted honor to win the Iditarod.

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