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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :

First School Dance

This passage describes what goes on at a school dance.

Lexile Level: 450L

Jeremy walked into the gymnasium. He surveyed the room. This was the first dance of the year for his middle school. But no one was dancing. Jeremy didn't understand. As Jeremy looked around, he noticed that the boys and girls were not mingling at all. The girls were sitting at the tables on one side of the room. The boys were huddled around the refreshment table at the other end of the room. Jeremy walked to the refreshment table. He poured some punch into a paper cup. He asked his friend Brad why no one was dancing. Brad said that nobody wanted to be the first person to go over there. He made a motion toward the girls across the room. Brad also said that no one wanted to be the first person on the dance floor. Jeremy nodded. He knew what he had to do. He had to be the one to make the first move.

Getting Ready

Carly sat on her parents' bed, watching her mother. Her parents were going out to dinn...


School Dance

Jeremy set his cup on the table. He took another look around the room. It was the first mi...


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