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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :


This passage is about a boy who loves to draw, but he draws in all the wrong places.

Lexile Level: 810L

Peter loved to draw with many bright colors. He drew on everything he could find. He drew on walls, carpets, and coffee tables. His mother was tired of cleaning up after him and took away all his crayons. This made Peter sad. One day, Peter's teacher asked him what was wrong, and he told her. The teacher put her arm around Peter and said she could show him how to make his mom happy and get his crayons back. The teacher explained that it was a good thing to want to draw so much, but adults like it when you only draw on specific places. She showed Peter how to draw on pieces of paper in a shiny notebook. The teacher gave Peter the notebook as a gift, and he took it home. On that day, Peter got his crayons back, and he created a whole book of drawings just for his mother.

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