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Huck Finn

This passage is about one of Mark Twain's popular books.

Lexile Level: 780L

In 1884, Mark Twain published a very popular book in which he introduced America and the world to the character Huck Finn. Since this time, Huck has become so famous that many believe he embodies the American hero. From him, in fact, we get the word "huckster" that describes a person like him. In the novel, Huck is a fun-loving boy. He breaks the law at times in order to do morally good things. He is rough on the outside with few manners, but on the inside he is tender and caring. He travels with his newfound friend Jim as he helps Jim to freedom. Along the way he has many adventures, as you might guess. Huck is independent, self-reliant, and free. Even today, most high school students read Twain's novel. Huck still embodies the American hero.


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