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Điểm Lexile là thang điểm tiêu chuẩn nhằm đo lường khả năng đọc hiểu của học sinh. Không có một tiêu chuẩn bắt buộc nào đối với học sinh phải đạt đến điểm Lexile nào. Tuy nhiên, thông thường các em học sinh ở mỗi cấp lớp sẽ đạt được trình độ lexile nhất định. Bảng sau đây là bảng tham khảo vể điểm lexile của các bạn học sinh từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12. Phụ huynh lưu ý: trình độ đọc của con (điểm Lexile) có thể cao hơn hoặc thấp hơn trung bình.

Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :

Big Dogs

This passage is about a boy who loves big dogs and isn't afraid of them.

Lexile Level: 570L

Some people like small dogs. Some people like big dogs. Trevor liked huge dogs. The bigger the dog, the better, as far as Trevor was concerned. A lot of people are afraid of big dogs. But Trevor was not. When Trevor was six, the family across the street got a Great Dane. It was the biggest dog that Trevor had ever seen. He couldn't believe how huge it was. The dog stood almost three feet tall, and its head was bigger than a toaster. His nose was the size of a big, brown, wet baseball. The dog's name was Hamlet. Trevor loved Hamlet as if he was his own dog. Trevor was happy when the neighbors let him take care of Hamlet when they went away for a weekend. When Trevor's parents saw what a good job he did, they decided that he was ready for a dog of his own.

Big Decision

Matthew likes walking. When he is upset, he walks. When he is happy, he walks. If he has a...


Swimming Lessons

Learning to swim was just about the hardest thing Agnes had ever attempted. Weeks before, ...


Fire Safety

Many homes are destroyed in fires each year. There are ways to practice fire safety in you...


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