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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :

Getting A Pet

This passage is about a girl who wants a pet.

Lexile Level: 300L

Having a pet is a big responsibility. But Morgan really wanted a dog. Her mom told her there would be a lot to do if she had a dog. She would have to walk it. She would have to feed it. Morgan would have to give the dog baths, too. There is a lot of stuff to buy for a dog. It would need a leash, a bed, and food. It would also need toys. And it would have to see a veterinarian. The dog would need shots. It would have to visit the vet every year. But still, Morgan wanted a dog. She knew she could handle it. A dog would make her so happy. They would be best friends. Morgan's mom knew she could handle it, too. She decided to get her a dog.

Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are interesting animals. They have been around for a very long time. The first...



An octopus lives in the ocean. It has eight arms. That is where the name "octopus&quo...



Photosynthesis is a process that helps trees make energy. Trees need energy to grow. The p...


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