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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :

Being a Flower Girl

This passage describes a small girl who is going to be a flower girl in her aunt's wedding and how she prepares for the task.

Lexile Level: 450L

Sandy's aunt was getting married. Sandy was going to be a flower girl in the wedding. She was really excited about it. But her mom thought she was too young. She was afraid Sandy would get nervous walking down the aisle. Sandy talked to her aunt about it. They were very close. Her aunt agreed to help her. They began practicing. Her aunt reminded her to take small steps. She also showed Sandy how to toss the flower petals slowly down on the walkway. Finally, the big day came. Sandy wore a nice dress with pretty ribbons. Her aunt was also dressed up. The two of them took many photos together. Her aunt told Sandy that she was the prettiest flower girl she had ever seen. After the ceremony, Sandy danced with her aunt at the reception. She ate lots of wedding cake.

Life Lesson

The day that Danny's dad parked his brand new sports car in the garage was the day tha...



More than half of the people in Minnesota live in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is sometimes ca...


Bolivian Silver

Five hundred years ago, the Inca started mining silver. For many years, people thought the...


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