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Mời bạn chọn bài đọc :

The Astronaut

This passage is about an astronaut who has just returned from Neptune.

Lexile Level: 340L

Light bulbs flashed in Lionel's eyes. Reporters shoved microphones into his face. He tried to gather himself. It was hard. The world needed to know about his journey to Neptune, but he needed a minute. The sun was shining on his face again. He was breathing fresh air. He saw smiles. He heard laughter. These things were missing in space. Space was vast, black, and empty. There, he felt how small he was, how small the earth was. And now reporters treated him like he was important. The leap was just too much. It made him want to climb back onto the rocket ship and blast off.


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Davidson Seamount

Can there be mountains underwater? Scientists know about one. The Davidson Seamount is an ...


Static Electricity

Static electricity is all around us. It makes our clothes stick together when they come ou...


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